Friday, May 3, 2019

blog stage 7

In this blog I will be expanding on my stage 5 Blog. Where I would like to see Texas go with this is complete legalization. I do not want Texas to approach this immediately.
   First I think Texas should decriminalize the punishable crime. By converting the criminal penalty into a civil penalty this will completely cut out all of the unnecessary arrest for small amounts of marijuana. Another bonus is it will not appear on your criminal record. The result will be that you are order to pay a fine and the civil court fees.
   Once Texas is more used to the idea of marijuana I believe legalization can be an option. If this is done, the state can regulate the quality and safety of marijuana. With recreational shops and prescriptions this will increase tax revenue by tons. In 2018 the Colorado tax revenue for marijuana was over $266 million dollars. With shops this will decrease the drug trafficking and the gang related drug violence. With less needless arrests and less drug trafficking this will allow APD more time to work on more violent crimes and the court can hear more cases. This will also let the variety of sicknesses allowed to be treated by medical marijuana in Texas to be broad.