Friday, March 1, 2019

Blog Stage 3.

       In this article "Instead of Building Family-Friendly Jails for Migrants, We should Just Stop Jailing Them" posted on written by caucasian female, Bea Bischoff. She is an immigration attorney in El Paso. The article is directed towards anyone residing in the state of Texas. In order to attract the audience the author must point out personal family experiences and conditions within the facilities. This may cause the content to be more sensitive to the average reader.
       She argues that instead of building "family-friendly jails" for them to go to, they should not be sent at all. This argument relies on the assumption that all CBP and DHS agents are inhumane toward immigrants. CBP and DHS agents are the guards and higher ups within these facilities. To Bischoff it is important that the immigrants are safe and if possible not in the facilities at all. It is crucial for government to make sure the immigrants are given the proper conditions to maintain a suitable lifestyle and keep tabs on the agents making sure they are doing their jobs properly.
       In paragraph 5, the lawsuits and deaths of two children younger than 10 within the facilities. In paragraph 6, it is detailed that in 2019, two teenage sisters were sexually assaulted by a CBP officer. As well as an embedded link that shows many sexual assault cases within the "family-friendly jail" in 2018. In paragraphs 1 and 2 the horrible conditions are descried and given embedded links with pictures and articles from various credible sources.
      I believe this is a successful argument because it provides enough evidence to make me believe these immigration processing centers are full of injustice. This article stands by my beliefs that the immigrants being sent to processing centers is not the proper route to take. I have learned from this argument that the facilities are a bit worse than imagined.
      This argument is politically significant because it is relative today. Our neighbors, friends, and some of our own families are being stripped of their day to day lives and being put into what is comparable to jail or worse. This article helps me understand that there are dark areas of the political world that are not headlined as much less significant things.

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