Friday, April 19, 2019

blog stage 6

   After reading Mai's blog, it has really opened my views on drug abuse. In the blog, it brings up how misinformed people really are about what a controlled substance really is. Personally, i agree with this statement. I do not believe the average person knows every single controlled substance there is lingering. Most of these controlled substances lingering are prescribed drugs. Mai highlights the increasing drug problem that is slowly making its way to the surface. Toward the end of her post she brings up that the "Good Samaritan" law should be implemented in doctors offices.
   Mai proves how lengthy and extensive the list of controlled substances are by providing the Texas Health & Safety code. It consists of tons of substances, too long for the average person to remember. She gives the link to a Dallas News story going over how the death count was worse than we thought in 2013. But as for the 2017 data, there is not very much hard evidence.
  Ultimately Mai's article persuades me that the government should take action in making sure people are more informed on what a controlled substance is. As well as not making the list so complicated. I also agree that doctors should be informed of the "Good Samaritan" law, this could possibly lead to an alternate path back to health.

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